Friday, July 27, 2007

Film Screening - Bling: A Planet Rock - 7/31

GenerationEngage, United Nations Development Program & Metro NY Present a
free screening of
Bling:A Planet Rock

Bling follows Raekwon, Paul Wall, and Tego Calderon to the diamond mines of
West Africa and takes a hard-hitting look at how the flashy world of
commercial hip-hop played a significant role in the 10-year civil war in
Sierra Leone.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007
6:30 PM
Tribeca Grand Hotel
Screening Room

2 Avenue of the Americas @ White St.
A/C/E to Canal 6/N/R/Q/W to Canal 1 Train to Franklin

Please RSVP to or call Jason Page at

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Newsweek feature(s): Islam in USA

More to be written about this later, but meanwhile, check it out - hot off the presses!