Brown Bag Lunch Roundtable
"The Board's Role in Managing a CEO Transition"
The transition of a nonprofit CEO is a time of great vulnerability for a nonprofit organization, especially if the outgoing CEO is a founder or long-term CEO. Risks include donor and funder apprehension, staff bail-out and loss of morale, loss of momentum on new projects, and the potential for significant reduction in client and/or community services. The Board's role in ensuring organizational stability during the transition is critical.
Join u s for a panel that will explore:
- The benefits of engaging an Interim CEO and the board's role in securing an appropriate Interim
- The Board's role in Succession Planning and the benefit of having an emergency succession plan
- The key activities a Board must assume responsibility for to minimize the risks
Don Crocker, CEO, Support Center for Nonprofit Management
Bill Falahee, CFO, JM Kaplan Fund
Regina Podhorin, President, The Leadership Group
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Noon to 2 PM
Support Center for Nonprofit Management
305 Seventh Avenue (bet. 27th & 28th Sts.), Suite 1100, NYC 10001
Cash/Check/Money Order (payable to Governance Matters) are also accepted at the Event. Please email us at with ALL PARTIES' Last Names, First Names, Organization/Company/Affiliates and Email Addresses (req'd).
Please bring your lunch. Water will be provided.
Don Crocker, CEO, Support Center for Nonprofit Management
Don is recognized nationally for his work in board development, program planning, and funding development. He has led numerous organizations including a community development corporation in Brooklyn, and a community-based agency serving developmentally disabled people in Queens, New York.
Don formerly was an affiliated consultant with BoardSource in Washington, DC and is a trained facilitator for their Board Self-Assessment process. Don is an adjunct professor in the graduate studies department at Manhattanville Col lege and holds a B.A. in Psychology and an M.S. in Leadership and Strategic Management. Don's Master's thesis focused on executive transitions in the nonprofit sector and explored strategies that grantmakers can take to assist nonprofits through transitions.
Bill Falahee, CFO, JM Kaplan Fund
The Fund is a family foundation with approximately $160 million in assets. Bill has been the Controller of the Fund since August 1995.
Bill is currently Vice-Chair/Treasurer of The Support Center for Non-Profit Management, after serving as Chair in 2003 and Treasurer in 2002. He has also served as a member of the Foundation Financial Officers Group (FFOG) from 1997 to present. Bill is currently Treasurer for NYRAG, from 2004 to present, and is chair of the NYRAG Finance Committee. NYRAG are currently going through a full transition.
Bill came to the Fund with an accounting background specializing in found ations and non-profits.
Regina Podhorin, President, The Leadership Group
Regina Podhorin completed an interim executive director assignment with New Jersey Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NJCASA) from January to September of 2006.
Ms. Podhorin brings 25 years experience in the nonprofit sector including 11 years as an Executive Director and 10 years as a consultant. With a BA in Sociology from Rutgers University and MA in Public Administration from Rider University she combines state and local experience as both a funder and program evaluator. Primary areas of specialty are behavioral healthcare, domestic violence and sexual violence, crisis response and prevention services.
Who is invited:
This meeting is designed for anyone who has an interest in promoting an effective, ethical, and honest nonprofit sector.
Member: charge is $10
Non-member: charge is $15
Student with valid Student ID: charge is $5
Please contact Suet Batten at should you have questions and/or concerns.
Next Roundtable: "Term Limits", Tuesday, February 27, 2007 at Noon.
Annual Meeting: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 at 5:00PM
Please visit our Event Calendar for upcoming exciting events.